Parqet Logo API Guide


Use our API directly in your HTML image tags. No need to download or host anything.

<img src="" />

Path Parameters:


The identifier-type of assets you want to use. Can be:

  1. symbol: Symbol as defined on NASDAQ. Example values: AAPL, TSLA, MSFT.
  2. isin: internationally standardized, 12-digit security code
  3. wkn: 6-digit code to uniquely identify a security in Germany, e.g. A1T8FV
  4. crypto: Coin symbols like BTC, ETH, etc.
  5. country: ISO 3166-1 country codes like DE, US, SE, etc.


The identifier of the asset. E.g. IE00B8GKDB10 if assetIdType is isin. Or TSLA if assetIdType is symbol.

Query parameters


Defines the image format. Can be svg, png, webp, or jpg . Default is svg . If an SVG is not available, a PNG is returned as fallback.


Defines size in pixels of the returned image for png, webp, or jpg formats. Default is 100.


Our Logo API is available for free with attribution. If you use it, you must link back to Parqet on any page where a logo is shown. The attribution must be clearly visible and use a minimum font size of 12 points.

<a href="">Logos provided by Parqet</a>

Get your API key to use the Logo API without attribution.


Get the logo of Apple via ISIN in the default SVG-format.

<img src="" />

Get the logo of Microsoft via ticker symbol in JPG-format in 300x300 pixels.

<img src="" />

Get the logo of Mercedes-Benz via WKN in PNG-format

<img src="" />

Get the logo of Bitcoin in PNG-format

<img src="" />

Get the flag of Germany in SVG

<img src="" />

More Resources

  1. Demo
  2. API Docs -> Logo Endpoint